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Roby, A. and Swechcha, S. (eds), (2021), A Glimpse Into My Country, United Kinddom: Book Hill International

Swechcha, S. and Drie, K. V. (eds), (2021), The Himalayan Sunrise: Exploring Nepal's Literary Horizon, United Kinddom: Book Hill International

Swechcha, S., (2019). Gulafsangako Prem - a collection of short stories (in Nepali), Nepal: Color Nepal.

Shrestha, S (2001a), ‘Bhangalo’ - A comic book based on the issue of Girls Trafficking in Nepal (story and concept). Kathmandu: WOREC

Shrestha, S. (2001b). Traffic in Women: Collection of Information (Pocket Book). Kathmandu: WOREC. Shrestha, S. (2001c).

Shrestha, S. (2000). Violence Against Women and the State Responsibility. Rajbhandari, B. (ed). Kathmandu: WOREC. 

Rajbhandari, B., Shrestha, S., Gautam, B.R., Rajbhandari, R. (2000). A Situational Analysis of Traffic in Women in Morang and Sunsari Districts. Kathmandu:WOREC. 

Pooja, G., Lohani, D., Shrestha (Sveccha),S., Lohani, M., Risal (Badal), D. (1993), Asahamatika Pailaharu (in Nepali) - A joint collection of stories. Lalitpur: Pratibimba Punj.

Shrestha (Swechcha), S. (1993). Pakhalieko Siundo (in Nepali) - A novel based on the issue of women trafficking in Nepal, Kathmandu. 


Feed the Minds Annual Report 2021-2022, Stronger Together: Achieving Success in Difficult Times (compiled and edited with Sandra Golding). London: Feed the Minds

Shrestha, S., Burningham, K. & Grant, C. (2014), Constructions of Climate Change on the Radio and in Nepalese Lay Focus GroupsEnvironmental Communication, Volume 8, Issue 2, pages 161–178 (ID: 906480 DOI:10.1080/17524032.2014.906480). 

LWF Annual Report 2005 (compiled and edited with Allen Armstrong). Kathmandu: Lutheran World Federation - Nepal, Department for World Service. 

WWF Nepal Annual Report 2003-2004 (compiled and edited). Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. 

WWF Nepal Annual report 2002-2003 (compiled and edited). Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. 

Conference & Seminar papers/presentations

Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education: Support for Women Researchers and Academics, Oct 2017, Queen Margaret University, United Kingdom.

Future of Nepali youths in the United Kingdom, June 2017, Oxford University, United Kingdom.

Introducing AuthorAID and Journals Online at INASP
, July 2016, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal

Communications in AuthorAID: Role, responsibilities & processes
, November 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Migration and Social Mobility in South Asia and South Asian Diaspora
, Feb 2015, CNSUK, United Kingdom

Issues, Challenges and Future Prospects of Climate Change Communication in Nepal, September 2014, UNDP, Nepal

Shrestha, S. (2014), Constructions of the Environment in Nepal: Environmental Discourses on Air and on the Ground. Paper presented at the BNAC (Britain Nepal Academic Council) Study days, 24-25 April, 2014. Oxford University, United Kingdom. 

Constructions of the Environment in Nepal: Environmental Discourses in the Media and in Everyday Lives. Paper presented at the IAMCR 2012 Conference, 15-19 July, 2012. Durban, South Africa. Abstract: See page 218, 

Power, Knowledge and Citizens: Constructing a Problematic Triangular Relation with the Environment. Paper presented at the MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) Conference, 11-13 January 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom. 

The Media and Locally Contextualised Representation of the Environment in Nepal. Paper presented at the MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) Conference, 12-14 January 2011, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom. 

The Media and Locally Contextualised Representations of the Environment in Nepal. 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. 

Discourses and the Environment: Nepal in a Picture. Paper presented at the 3rd European Communication Conference, 12-15 October 2010, Hamberg, Germany. Abstracts Section 16 - Science and Environment Communication. See Page 328.

Media Representations of the Environment. Paper presented at Surrey Post Graduate Research Conference. 23-24 September 2010, University of Surrey, United Kingdom. 

Research Press Releases

Coordinated and edited 33 Research Press Releases from Nepal and Bangladesh for INASP (2016-2018)

Articles in the media

Global Voices

How Nigeria confronts the persistent practice of Female Genital Mutilation: An interview with Dr. Chris Ugwu

Literary translation from South Asia lags in international markets

Nepali literature lovers take respite from COVID-19 by celebrating Dashain with new books

How can Nepal's literary tradition make its mark on the global scene?

Gorkha Times

"I would like to feature a range of authors, illustrators, translators and publishers from Nepal": An Interview with copywriter and translator Laura Taylor

"Borderless Journal Nurtures Literary Cadres beyond Divisions": Mitali Chakravarty

"Nepali Authors Need to be Heard for Their Evocative Tales": Andree Roby

"My Writing Blends Fantasy with Real-Life Experiences": Sara Kapadia

News stories/Blogs/Newsletters

Why not me? Why not us? Tackling the gender gap in Tanzania, October 2017, WomenBeing Project, UK

Awards honour people who mentor early-career researchers in developing world
, April 2017, INASP, UK

INASP announces latest workshop and travel grant recipients
, April 2017, INASP, UK

AuthorAID team and partners meet for project meeting in Tanzania
, Dec 2016, INASP, UK

AuthorAID workshop and travel grants help researchers to participate in global research conversations
, October 2016, INASP, UK

Latindex and AuthorAID successfully complete second online research-writing course in Spanish,
 August 2016, INASP, UK

AuthorAID participates in British Pharmacology 2015 Exhibition
, Dec 2015, INASP, UK

CNSUK Newsletter, Special Gurkha Issue, Volume 3, Issue 1, May 2014
, United Kingdom: CNSUK (Co-edited with Dr. Chandra Laksamba). 

WTLCP Monthly Newsletters, June 2006 - Sept. 2007. Kathmandu: UNDP/WTLCP. 

WTLCP E-Newsletters, June 2006 – Sept. 2007. Kathmandu: UNDP/WTLCP. 

EcoCircular monthly Newsletter (36 issues), WWF Nepal (May 2002 - Sept. 2005). A few samples:

EcoCircular May 2005 
EcoCircular March 2005 
EcoCircular February 2005 
EcoCircular January 2005 
EcoCircular May 2004 
EcoCircular April 2004 
EcoCircular March 2004 
EcoCircular February 2004 
EcoCircular January 2004 

News Reporting in WWF Nepal and WWF Network. A few samples: 

WWF helps orphan rhinos in Nepal
Nepalese crocodiles head for Bhutan
Solar panels light up rural Nepal
Micro hydro electricity project lights up Nepal's Terai arc landscape 
Easy border crossing for tigers and elephants 
WWF Nepal signs MoU with biogas company to protect trees

Cheliko Byatha, A quarterly journal of WOREC. Oct. 2000- April 2002 (compiled and co-edited with B. Rajbhandari). Kathmandu: WOREC. 

BATIKA, WOREC Newsletters. Oct. 2000- April 2002 (compiled and co-edited with B. Rajbhandari). Kathmandu: WOREC. 

Sayapatri, A quarterly health magazine of WOREC (compiled and co-edited with B. Rajbhandari). Oct. 2000- April 2002. Kathmandu: WOREC. 

IEC (Information, Education and Communication) Materials

Western Terai Landscape Complex Project, UNDP/WTLCP Brochure, 2006, Kathmandu: UNDP/WTLCP. 

A Joint Effort for Conservation - Wester Terai Landscape Complex Project, Flex Poster, 2006, Kathmandu: UNDP/WTLCP. 

Importance of Biodiversity Conservation in Wester Terai Landscape, Flex Poster, 2006, Kathmandu: UNDP/WTLCP. 

Book marks and Stickers reflecting the importance of Biodiversity Conservation, 2006, Kathmandu: UNDP/WTLCP. 

LWF Calendar. 2006. Kathmandu: LWF Nepal. 

AZEECON (Asian Zone Emergency and Environment Cooperation Network) brochure. 2006. Kathmandu: LWF Nepal. 

Various promotional Materials for Rhino Count Event. 2005. Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. 

Promotional Materials for 'Save the Rhino' Campaign. May 2005. Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. 

Biodiversity Conservation display materials for Exhibition at International Mountain Museum.  2004.  Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. 

Taking Action - WWF Nepal, Brochure, 2003, Kathmandu: WWF Nepal. 

Importance of Wildlife Conservation. Book Marks, Posters & Post Cards. 2002-2005, Kathmandu: WWF.

Traffic in Persons: A basic knowledge, Information Booklet, 2001, Kathmandu: WOREC. 

Awareness about Girls and Women Trafficking in Nepal, Hoarding Board. 2000.UNDP/JIT Project, Kathmandu: WOREC. 

Fact Sheets on Violence Against Women, 2000, Kathmandu: WOREC Nepal. 

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